Favourites 1018 stories
  • Favourites 1018 stories - 484 unread chapters
    Created by pirita
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 21,178,348
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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"Dear Princess Celestia, as your (former) most faithful student, I feel I have to warn you that this is probably a trap. Chrysalis cannot possibly be serious about this. Why would anyone, much less her, want to shoot a documentary on us?"

Chrysalis, queen of all the changeling hives and infinitely cunning architect of their plans to conquer Equestria, has a problem: She knows diddly-squat about ponies. But Chrysalis is cleverer than most—or all—changelings, and she's already devised a brilliant solution to this trifling issue: Make a movie about them.

Tenth place winner in Equestria Daily's Outside Insight contest.

Chapters (5)

Octavia and Vinyl have been dating for months, but neither has had a chance to introduce their significant other to their families. Vinyl always dodges the issue, but when Octavia is insistent, they have a fight. This leaves Vinyl with no other option than to have Octavia over to meet her parents.

Maybe she should have told Octavia who she really was?

Dramatic reading by Goombasa available here.

Now in Russian, translated by Hopeless.

Chapters (1)

It was just a normal day in the new castle of Princess Twilight Sparkle, except for a few incidents. As the King of Chaos, the Princess of the Night, the Element of Laughter and two old enemies decide at the same time reveal their love for her. What could go wrong? Well, simply everything.

Additional Character tags: Discord.
Editing by the awesome Lord Dragon, go and give him some hugs!
Art by megarexetera

Chapters (7)

Mis-communication has started many a war, but in this case maybe calling it a war was too generous.

The "war" is over, Twilight has successfully orchestrated a bloodless end to the Griffons' aggression, but only now does she realize that there is more to winning than she had first assumed, especially against a nation that holds war as a central part of their culture...

Now Twilight must deal with the aftermath while facing a challenge she never anticipated: being seen as a conqueror.

This can be read alone, but I recommend reading the letter that started it all for a chuckle and a little exposition. This series of expositional one-shots can also give some additional world-building.

Chapters (13)

In response to threats of a griffon attack on Equestria, Twilight responds with a letter detailing just why such actions would prove unfavorable for them.

Chapters (2)

It's almost time....the contract has just one stipulation left. Just...one. After that...well Discord gets to make good on the promise he made to Fluttershy all those years ago,he promised her she would live on through more than just memory,but she made him sign a contract. It's so tempting to give that last part a tiny little push...but he knows better,the stipulations must happen naturally...but still,the wait has driven him sane.

Chapters (1)

After all the problems that Trixie has been through she is now finally starting to get her life together until one day she is summoned by Princess Twilight. Twilight tells Trixie of the greatness she has accomplished for her new kindness but that will not change her completely. She is tasked by the Princess of friendship to accomplish a feat of true love and kindness to prove that she has truly changed for the better. After leaving to attend her quest Trixie devises a plan to prove her new image after speaking with the cutie mark crusaders, and decides to adopt the young Scootaloo. Will her plan work out for her, or will there be more difficulties then she had originally planned.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Where Did Daddy Go?

Even after many years... his love for her never faded... The one, who held a special place in his heart. Well, no more waiting! No more hoping! He was going to find her, and damn anypony to Tartarus that would try to stop him.

Prequel by UniqueSKD
Collaboration with Lucky 424
Edited by Flamer_Brony
Artwork by Neko-Me

Chapters (39)

According to Equestrian law, Twilight must marry a prince... and there's only one eligible bachelor prince in Equestria. Her wedding plans are going to have to be changed a little.

Proofreading by RaylanKrios.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie has been spending an awful long amount of time with Princess Celestia, making her affections very well-known to the alicorn and, subsequently everypony in Equestria, but how can a relationship exist between an immortal princess and a simple baker?

Chapters (1)